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Donald Fraser [1870-1933], The Autobiography of an African. Retold in Biographical Form & in the Wild African Setting of the Life of Daniel Mtusu

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Book Description

The Autobiography of an African. Retold in Biographical Form & in the Wild African Setting of the Life of Daniel Mtusu
Publication Year:
Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd.
Christian Missions, Malawi, Biography
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Donald Fraser [1870-1933], The Autobiography of an African. Retold in Biographical Form & in the Wild African Setting of the Life of Daniel Mtusu


  • Author's Note
  1. The Red Land and the Red Chief
  2. The Child
  3. The Herd-Lad
  4. The House-Boy
  5. The Contest
  6. War
  7. Restless Desires
  8. Discussions
  9. The Decision
  10. The Baptism
  11. The Witness
  12. A Shameful Assault
  13. Citizenship
  14. Adventures
  15. The Teacher
  16. Pioneering
  17. Beulah Land
  18. A Filibuster
  19. An Adventorous Journey
  20. Tempting Offers
  21. A Village Flitting
  22. The Evangelist
  23. Perils of the Way
  24. The Preacher
  25. His Character
  26. His Death
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