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25 Years' Mission Work Among the Lepers of India in a Manner Believed to be Scriptural
William C. Irvine [1871-1946]

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Book Description

25 Years' Mission Work Among the Lepers of India in a Manner Believed to be Scriptural
Publication Year:
Pickering & Inglis
Christian Mission, India, Medical Missions, Leprosy
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William C. Irvine [1871-1946], 25 Years' Mission Work Among the Lepers of India in a Manner Believed to be Scriptural


  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • A Short Survey of the Work
  1. Our First Three Christians
  2. Dhondibri - Our First Woman Inmate
  3. The Stage is Set: Caste or Christ
  4. Armadas - The Mad Leper
  5. Bunchdas - The Bairagi
  6. The Open-Air Meeting
  7. A Brush with the R.C.'s and a Visit from the Commissioner
  8. Dark Days
  9. A Petition to the Collector and What Came of it
  10. Lepers and Faith Healing
  11. Gifts for Lepers
  12. Subrao - A Sketch
  13. A Mysterious Sickness
  14. Miscellaneous Incidents
  15. A Visit to the Asylum
  16. Girbabai has Become a Leper
  17. Testimony of Three Lepers
  18. Christmas Eve, 1936
  19. Leprosy and its Treatment
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