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Conference on Missions Held in 1860 at Liverpool: Including the Papers Read, the Deliberations, and the Conclusions Reached; with a Comprehensive Index shewing the Various Matters Brought Under Review
The Secretaries of the Conference, eds.

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Book Description

Conference on Missions Held in 1860 at Liverpool: Including the Papers Read, the Deliberations, and the Conclusions Reached; with a Comprehensive Index shewing the Various Matters Brought Under Review
Publication Year:
London: James Nisbet & Co.
Christian Missions
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

The Secretaries of the Conference, eds., Conference on Missions Held in 1860 at Liverpool


List of Members
Prelimenary Meeting of Conference
First General Prayer Meeting

First Session

Resolution of Mutual Welcome
Address by the Chairman
Paper on European Missionaries Abroad: by the Rev. J. Mullens
Minute on Missionaries and their Plans

Second Session

Paper: by the Rev. J. B. Whiting: on the best Means of exciting and maintaining a Missionary Spirit
Minute on the Means of exciting and maintaining the Missionary Feeling at Home
The Missionary Lectureship: Report: its Plan: and the Committee appointed
First Missionary Soiree
Address by G. F. Barbour, Esq., Chairman
Address by Dr. Lockhart, on Medical Missions in China
Second General Prayer Meeting

Third Session

Paper on Missionary Education: by the Rev. C. B. Leupolt
Address by the Rev. C. T. Hœrnlé
Paper on Missionary Education: by the Rev. T. Smith
Paper on Missionary Education: by the Rev. J. H. Titcomb
Minute on Missionary Education

Fourth Session

Paper on the best Means of calling forth Home Liberality: by the Rev. James Lewis
Minute on the Means of securing increased Liberality to Missionary Work
Second Missionary Soiree
Address by the Rev. B.L. Singh
Address on the Peshawur Mission: by Lieut.-Col. Edwardes
Address on Missions in South Africa: by the Rev. W. Shaw
Third General Prayer-Meeting

Fifth Session

Communication from Rotterdam
Address of the Chairman on Native Agency
Paper on Native Agency in Foreign Missions: by the Rev. R.S. Hardy
Minute on Native Agents

Sixth Session

Committee on Income of Religious Societies
Paper on Candidates for Missionary Work: by the Rev. T. Green
Resolution on Mr. Bickersteith's Letter: on the Special Week of Prayer in January, 1861, and simultaneous Sermons on Missions
Minute on the best Means of obtaining well-qualified Missionaries
Third Missionary Soiree
Address on Indian Converts in the Mutiny: by the Rev. C. E. Leupolt
Address on Missions in Turkey: by the Rev. J. R. Tucker
Address on Female Education in the East: by Rev. J. Fordyce
Address on Medical Missions in China and Japan: by Dr. MacGowan
Fourth General Prayer Meeting

Seventh Session

Address of the Chairman
Paper on Native Churches: by the Rev. F. Trestrail
Minutes on Native Churches
Resolution of Thanks
Resolution of Parting
Address by Rev Dr Somerville
Address by Rev G. Osborn

General Public Meeting

Speech of Major-General Alexander
Speech by Earl of Shaftesbury
Speech by Major Davidson
Speech by Rev. Joseph Mullins
Speech by Lieut.:Colonel Sir Herbert Edwardes, K.C.B.
Speech by Rev. G.D. Cullen
Speech by Rev. Dr. J.B. Lowe
Speech by Mayor of Liverpool
Speech by R.A. MacFie, Esq.
Speech by Earl of Shaftesbury


I. Previous Conferences on Missions: by the Rev. J. Mullens
II. Suggestions: by James Douglas, Esq. of Cavers 375
III. On the Training of Native Agents: by the Rev. B. Lyth
IV. Modern Works on Christian Missions


Subjects Treated Specially

European Missionaries Abroad
Missionaries and their Plans
On the best Means of exciting and maintaining a Missionary Spirit
Medical Missions in China
Missionary Education
Means of calling forth Home Liberality
Peshwaur Mission
Missions in South Africa
Native Agency
Candidates for Missionary Work
Means of obtaining well-qualified Missionaries
Indian Converts in the Mutiny
Missions in Turkey
Female Education in the East
Medical Missions in China and Japan
Native Churches
The Mutiny in India
Results of Modern Missions
Conferences on Missions
Training of Native Agents

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